Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Left in London

25 June - Had a lovely weekend in London, in the flat of Lynn and Mike's friend Helen. Great deal of respite. No worries whether a dog would pick me up and take me to her bed as a pseudo puppy. Understand that Mike was a bit distress having 'forgotten' me (but he knew I was safe). He's back down tonight (Monday) so I might be crushed by morning.

19 June -Mike was hosting a dinner for BOX.COM in London on the night in advance of their announcement of expansion into Europe. However despite the fact he captured me at the head of the table, when it came to the 'real business' I was sent back to the bag.

Meeting Oracle - meeting Big Data

28 April - my/our biggest gig in a while, 300+ for the Oracle Big Data conference in London, to coincide with 'Big Data Week' (That's me on the podium before the audience came in). Mike gave a keynote alongside Doug Cutting of Cloudera, and Oracle's best people in the area. Very scary. Oracle events tend to attract the 'brightest and the best' (and a range of independent 'hangers on'). However Big Data appears to be the topic of the moment. Mike says it is the logical maturity of the concept of 'knowledge management - the idea of having access to the totality of an organisation's informational assets, so you can make the best decisions... zzzzzzzzzzzz
He might have something, but I am just a bear, what do I know?